Charging insights screen
Charging insights shows real-time insights for your ongoing charging session.
For the readings to display in their entirety, the charging station needs to be connected to an active DLM system and communication between them must be established.
Otherwise, readings for your building/internal grid and appliances cannot be displayed. Only the charging station’s reading is displayed.
Charging insights screen
1 – Tab bar menu – swipe left/right or tap a tab.
2 – Simplified visualisation of your internal grid following the flow of the electrical current from the grid to your vehicle.
3 – Charging status of the ongoing charging session (including the status, power reading and potential limitations that currently apply).
Icons legend:
Charging with full power, no limits apply
Charging, limitations apply
Charging paused
Charging, Load Schedule applies
4 – Tap to manage your personalised load schedule.
If multiple limitations are set, the more restrictive one applies.
5 – Load placed on each of the power phases by both the charging station and other appliances. Tap individual charts to see more accurate readings for each phase.
To display the Load per phase chart, a DLM system must be enabled and a Load Guard device must be connected.
Internal grid visualisation
A – Charging mode: Interactive /
B – Lines represent electrical wiring connecting various key actors in the internal grid (e.g. vehicle, appliances, power grid, charging station).
Different line colours represent different states of the power flow:
Grey – No power flow or no reading
White/black (depending on the background colour) – Power flow
Green – Power flow or affected by Load Management
Yellow – Positive power flow, production
C – Charging power currently consumed by your vehicle.
D – Total charging power available
E – Load Management is active.
F – Reading of power currently consumed by other appliances in the building or reading of power produced by the power production devices (if power is being produced in the internal grid).
Image legend:
External power grid
Your building / local grid
Charging station
Other appliances in the building
Power production devices in the building / in your local grid
If a DLM system is active and an energy surplus is detected (produced in the internal grid), the appliances icon is replaced by a production icon.
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Warning! Before installing, wiring, handling or accessing the charging station in any way, make sure to read, understand and follow the Safety Guidelines.
Any graphic material provided in this documentation library is subject to variation and may not reflect the most recent updates or changes due to ongoing development and the implementation of new features.
Owing to periodic improvements of our products, the supplied products can differ in some details from the information stated in this documentation library. The information is subject to alteration without notice.
The English version of this documentation is the official and authoritative source of information. We make every effort to ensure that translations are accurate and clear; however, we do not accept responsibility for any errors, omissions, or misinterpretations in translated versions. In case of discrepancies, the English version will take precedence.