An edit icon is displayed next to the value only if you have permission to modify it; otherwise, the value is read-only.
1 – General settings for the charging station's operation with the central system.
2 – Select a communication protocol you want to use to communicate with the central system:
– MQTT (unplugged for now—stay tuned)
3 – Toggle for enable/disable connection.
4 – The state of your connection to the central system is shown in the status line. For more about states, refer to Central system connection status.
5 – Address of the central system server.
Obtain the address from your central system provider.
6 – The serial number of the charging station is used for unique identifier (ID) of the station in the central system.
7 – Authentication and encryption settings to ensure a secure connection between the charging station and the central system.
8 – Access key ensures the charging station is authorised to connect to the central system and secures communication to prevent unauthorised access or tampering.
Used for authentication of the station to the central system.
Obtain the access key from your central system provider.
9 – Certificate ensures secure authentication and encryption for communication between the charging station and the central system.
Add the certificate file from your phone’s local storage by tapping the plus icon on the right side of the field.
Obtain the certificate from your central system provider.
10 – Charging station’s parameters for connection monitoring, reconnection attempts, and fallback behaviour in case the connection to the central system is lost.
11 – Fallback limit is maximum current limitation that applies when unexpected communication failure with the central system occurs and the station is not be able to obtain values from the system.
Set/View the fallback limit.
The set value should be 6 A or higher. Currents below 6 A are threated as 0 A.
12 – Set/View the frequency at which the charging station checks its connection to the central system.
13 – Set/View the frequency at which the charging station attempts to reconnect to the central system if the connection is lost.
14 – Settings for transmitting data to the central system.
15 – Set/View the maximum number of failed attempts to send data before sending is disabled.
16 – Set/View the interval time before the next data sending attempt after a failure.
17 – Settings for selecting and defining the frequency of capturing and sending metering data of the charging session to the central system.
18 – Set/View the interval that defines how often the enabled measurements below will be captured during the charging session and sent to the central system.
19 – Toggle to enable or disable individual measurements from being captured and sent to the central system.
Warning! Before installing, wiring, handling or accessing the charging station in any way, make sure to read, understand and follow the Safety Guidelines.
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Owing to periodic improvements of our products, the supplied products can differ in some details from the information stated in this documentation library. The information is subject to alteration without notice.
The English version of this documentation is the official and authoritative source of information. We make every effort to ensure that translations are accurate and clear; however, we do not accept responsibility for any errors, omissions, or misinterpretations in translated versions. In case of discrepancies, the English version will take precedence.