
INCH Core charging station – product label

The product label of the INCH Core charging station is located on the left bottom side of the station.


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The product label of the charging station is also used as the module label of the Main unit.





1 – Company insignia

2 – Product name

3 – Model designation

4 – GTIN (Global Trade Item Number)

5 – Serial number

6 – Manufacturer

7 – Manufacturing date

8 – Technical data

9 – Compliancy

10 – QR code: Serial number

11 – WEEE Directive symbol for disposal/recycling electronic eqiupment

12 – CE (Conformité Européenne)

13 – Code of approval institute

14 – UK Conformity Assessed marking

15 – Web site

16 – Customer / Country specifics




Package label

Under construction.


Warning! Before installing, wiring, handling or accessing the charging station in any way, make sure to read, understand and follow the Safety Guidelines.
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