Email settings in Ocean

Email settings in Ocean

»Settings« →  »Email settings« is a module where operator can set email settings for mails that are sent from the system to the operator and users. These mails are:

  • Operator password reset

  • User forgotten password request

  • Ad hoc user registration confirmation

  • Subscriber registration accept

  • Subscriber registration successfully received

  • Subscriber manually added

  • Operator new subscriber registration received

  • User payer forgotten password

  • User payer registration success

  • Operator new user payer registration

  • User payer registration accept

  • New operator invitation

Step-by-step guide

Login to the Ocean

  1. click settings, email settings

  2. chose Protocol type: SMTP

  3. server address: outgoing mail server

  4. server port: outgoing mail server port

  5. use SSL: if your outgoing mail server require that

  6. enter username and password

  7. BCC: here you can enter email address and you will receive a copy of all sent emails from the Ocean

  8. From email: your email address (you can choose any email address you own or create new one for this purpose)

  9. Display name: what you want to be seen in email as sender