INCH Core: How to add an electricity meter for DLM functionality measurements

This article describes how to directly connect an electricity meter as a metering device to the INCH Core charging station and set up all the settings for DLM to function via the INCH Core app.


What do you need for this task?

  • INCH Core charging station with the RS-485 communication interface

  • Electricity meter with RS-485 communication, selected from the list of supported meters that are compatible with the INCH Core charging station

  • Screwdriver (current voltage tester)

  • Cable for connecting the meter with the charging station via RS-485 communication interfaces (for more information, refer to Terminal data of the INCH Core charging station and the meter documentation)

  • INCH Core app

  • Meter documentation provided by the meter’s manufacturer




1. Physically connect the meter with the charging station via RS-485 interfaces.

For instructions on connecting the RS-485 cable to:





2. Open the INCH Core app and connect to the target INCH Core charging station.


Launch icon.png





3. Swipe up, select Device configuration, and tap on Dynamic load management.

3. On the Dynamic load management screen, configure all settings based on your specific scenario, such as meter type, fuse capacity on which the charging station is connected, and user requirements.

3.1. Enable dynamic load management – Toggle to enable DLM.

3.2. Metering device – Select RS-485 meter from the drop-down menu.

3.3. Meter type – From the drop-down menu, select the type of meter that is physically connected to the charging station via the RS-485 interface. This meter will serve as the measurement source from which data will be received.

3.4. Advanced settings – Tap to expand the list of settings, set the unique name of the meter and RS-485 network settings:

Address – Make sure to define a unique address for the meter within the RS-485 network to which the meter belongs. You can find the range of available addresses in the meter documentation.
Baud rate – Refer to the meter documentation.
Databits – Refer to the meter documentation.
Pairity – Refer to the meter documentation.
Stop bit – Refer to the meter documentation.

image-20240705-140407.png The image on the right shows an example of the DLM settings where an RS-485 meter is selected as the measurement device. Enter the values that correspond to your meter (see the meter documentation).

3.5. Building limits – Set phase limits:

Building limit – Enter a value that is lower than the rating of the fuse to which the charging station is connected. The value must not exceed the fuse rating.
Enable Set limits for individual phases if you want to configure limits for each phase separately.
Fallback limit – Enter 6 A or higher.



4. Reboot the INCH Core charging station.

The charging station must be restarted for applying the changes.
Choose one of the following options:

Restart now – The station will restart immediately.
Restart later – The station will not restart immediately, but later on your request. To restart the station, select Device diagnostics / Restart charging station.


5. Activated DLM functionality

After restarting the charging station, the DLM functionality is activated and operates as configured. The corresponding Dynamic Load Management screen is expected to appear in the INCH Core app.


Metering status – current status of metering connection

Measurements – real-time measurements





The RS-485 polarity on the station was configured based on a specific meter type and may differ from the RS-485 polarity of your meter. As a result, RS-485 communication might not be established.

If the message “Lost communication to external DLM meter” appears in the INCH Core app after restarting the charging station, swap the RS-485 wires connected to the B and A terminals in the station, then restart the station.



More resources


Warning! Before installing, wiring, handling or accessing the charging station in any way, make sure to read, understand and follow the Safety Guidelines.
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