Checking the HW and FW versions
One option is to connect to the chargers WebUI and head over to the diagnostics menu.
The “OS version” tells us what system firmware is installed on the charger and the “Software version” tell us what application firmware is installed on the charger.
These numbers are normally shorter, as this screenshot was made on an in-house testing charger.
The “Web version” is the version of the chargers Web interface and the “CC hardware version” is the version of the motherboard inside the charger.
The “Software version” and the “CC hardware version” can be also located in the chargers service menu on the chargers LCD screen.
To access the service menu, press&hold the service button at the maintenance doors.
Select the third option “About”
Under “HW” is the CC hardware version (motherboard version) and under “SW” is application firmware installed on the charger:
The CC hardware version or the motherboard version can also be checked at the maintenance doors near the ethernet port and the service button: