INCH Duo Customisation and branding guidelines

INCH Duo Customisation and branding guidelines

This document outlines the most common branding and customisation possibilities on Etrel INCH Duo charging equipment. Below, you will find branding guidelines regarding environmental, usability and production aspects, that will help you find the best solution for your graphic communication endeavours.

The recommendations are sourced from our practices on the field, which proved to stand the test of time and environment as well as from our own environmental and usage simulations in the lab.

We would like to remind you that regardless of the quality of design, the quality of selected materials/applications, service provider selection and lead time requirements could highly influence the outcome and longevity of the branding project in the field.

Please note that following the branding practices described below might yield a different result in different environments. Different charger locations, weather conditions, temperature, material and application methods all influence the suitability of a particular branding method. Therefore, we recommend you consult your preferred supplier on the branding solution for your project.

On all Etrel chargers, we recommend the use of display advertising features where applicable. Such a solution is the most durable and not subjected to weathering, external conditions or fraudulent activity.

Door and housing colours

INCH Duo comes in the following standard colour options.

Anthracite Gray
Galaxi Grey (Costum colour)
No RAL reference available
Default colour and finish

White, RAL 9016
Non-default colour

Black, RAL 9005
Non-default colour

Anthracite Gray & Black
Galaxi Grey (Costum colour)
Black, RAL 9005
Non-default colour

White & Black
White, RAL 9016
Black, RAL 9005
Non-default colour


For larger orders or special projects, Etrel offers custom colour solutions. Please note that minimum order quantities apply for this product customisation. Contact your sales representative for a commercial offer.

Please note that non-default colours may be subject to longer lead times. Please refer to the pricelist for more information.

Branding possibilities

On-screen customization

Branding on the screen can be done through:

  • Wake-up logo,

  • Start-of-charging advertisement.

Both branding options can be set up in the MyINCH web app under the Customisation section.

Customization using stickers

INCH Duo offers a large flat surface for custom branding with stickers. Some considerations when planning your branding project, based on the feedback we collected from the field and lab testing:


  • use automotive-grade stickers,

  • degrease the surfaces before sticker application,

  • whenever possible, plan sticker application indoors, before installation,

  • consider the glue drying time and provide constant conditions for an extended period for the best result.


Outlines and templates for visualisations are part of Etrel INCH Duo Branding pack. The design preparation package contains editable design files where you can prepare your sticker branding in compliance with Etrel branding guidelines. Safe areas, where you can place your brand stickers, are marked for each INCH Duo model.

Customization guidelines for branding stickers

When designing sticker branding, please consider the following guidelines.

  • Use standard colours
    We highly recommend using a standardized colour palette like CMYK, which is widely recognized and utilized in the industry.

  • Comply with the sticker area margin
    When designing sticker branding, we recommend you consider sufficient margin from the edges. Applying stickers too close to the edge or bend could lead to weaker application and could result in peeling. For safe application apply stickers on surfaces within the marked safe areas in green (26 mm margin from the edges).





  • Avoid cutouts around charger's external elements
    Cut-outs around chargers’ external elements such as sockets, antennas or UI could present a major hurdle for sticker application due to tolerances and sticker stretching. Though well-designed, the results could be unsatisfactory, and the production costs could increase significantly.


  • Manage narrow lines
    When designing long narrow lines, we recommend considering larger margins so potential small uneven deviations from the edge along the line would not be visible.


  • Avoid using the same colours in different applications
    To ensure proper visual colour matching, avoid placing stickers close to the dyed housing elements. Although stickers are expected to be of the same colour as the housing, they might appear slightly different, due to the difference in surface materials. Weather conditions and UV degradation could eventually cause visual discrepancies as well.


  • Avoid sharp corners and thin lines
    Sharp, pointy corners have a smaller glue surface and are more likely affected by external factors. Wherever possible avoid sharp corners, acute angles, small cut-outs or isolated slim lines in order to preserve stickers intact regardless of the environment. When you cannot avoid small and delicate shapes (e.g. logotypes), consider printing them on a larger common sticker surface, not as individual pieces.

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Warning! Before installing, wiring, handling or accessing the charging station in any way, make sure to read, understand and follow the Safety Guidelines.
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Owing to periodic improvements of our products, the supplied products can differ in some details from the information stated in this documentation library. The information is subject to alteration without notice.
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