Charger Configuration for Payter terminal credit card payment

Charger Configuration for Payter terminal credit card payment


Table of Contents


Credit card payment system introduction

Credit card payment system is used for convenient payment for the charging by using one of the supported credit cards directly.

To be able to pay with a credit card, at least one of the charging stations in payment cluster must be equipped with Payter terminal.

To make credit card payment work, central system and charging stations must be properly configured. All charging stations must be added to the same virtual location and to the same payment cluster.



1.1 Payment cluster

Payment cluster is a virtual category, created in the central system, because charging stations does not need to be physically on the same network or at the same space. Because it is possible that the user will need to be operating with two charging stations, the charging stations of the payment cluster should still be installed in relatively close vicinity.

The payment cluster contains at least one payment master (charging station with payment terminal - Payter installed) and at least one payment satellite (charging station without Payter terminal).

Payment master will be used for payment in case that user is charging locally (on payment master) or on another charging station in the payment cluster (payment satellite).

User can start charging on payment master or on the payment satellite, however authorization and actual payment can be done only on the payment master charging station.

1.2 Charging Process, Athorization and Payment

Figure 1: LCD screen on the charging station

If user wants to start charging on payment master, he/she will connect car to the free socket, choose Card authorization and swipe the credit card on the Payter terminal installed below the LCD of the charging station.

In case that user wants to start charging on the payment satellite, he/she will connect the car to that charging station and choose Card authorization.

Figure 2: Instructions on the payment satellite

LCD of the charging station will show instructions on how to proceed – to walk to the payment master (number of the charging station will be shown) and type in the shown code of the charging station where the charging will be performed (for example shown on the images, the number is 07-1).

When user approaches the payment master charging station, he/she must press on Pay here button, then choose Charge on another charger and enter code shown on the payment satellite charging station to initiate credit card payment process.

Figure 3: Instructions on the payment master if charging on the payment satellite

Payment master Charging Station

Charging station can be set to be payment master or payment satellite.

Only the INCH DUO charging station with installed Payter payment terminal can be set to be the payment master.

Payment satellite can be either INCH DUO charging station or INCH charging station.

2.1. Payter Terminal Physical Connection

Payter terminal must be installed and connected to the upper Ethernet port. The bottom port is intended for the Ethernet connection of the charging station.

Payter terminal will get the following IP number:

Figure 4: For connection of the Payter, the upper Ethernet port must be used

2.2. Configuring the Payment Master

After the successful installation of the payment terminal, to enable credit card payment the charging station also needs to be configured.

2.2.1. Enabling and Configuring Credit Card Payment for the Payment Master Charging Station

On the web-interface of the INCH DUO charging station with payment terminal installed, the option Configuration\Payment\Credit card must be selected, to show the screen with settings (if credit card payment is not enabled already):

Figure 5: Enabling the credit card payment – credit card menu

Figure 6: Enabling the credit card payment – option to tick

To enable credit card payment, the option Credit card payment is enabled must be selected.

The following screen with additional settings will be shown.

Figure 7: Expanded Credit card payment menu

For credit card payment to work, all the parameters must be configured. After configuring all the options below, the user must click on the Save button to save the changes. After the configuration, the charging station must be rebooted for the new configuration to apply.

Field descriptions


Invoice download endpoint

URL for invoice download. It will be shown on the LCD display of the charging station along with QR code. User can scan QR code with mobile phone to open the web page where he/she can download the invoice for charging paid with the credit card.


Payment master charging station’s code

Two digits that represent payment master (this charging station). Must be two-digit number even if it’s smaller than 10 (e.g.: 07).

Those are the two last digits from the Charge point friendly code defined in the central system.


More information can be found in the document: Ocean configuration for Payter terminal credit card payment, chapter 5.1. Payment master friendly code.



Figure 8: Charge point friendly code – last two digits are used for designation


Payment satellite charging station’s code

Two digits that represent the payment satellite. Must be two-digit number even if it’s smaller than 10. Those are the two last digits from the Charge point friendly code defined in the central system.

This two-digit number is used for designation of the charging station where the charging will be made. It must be inserted on the payment master by pressing on Pay here button and choosing Charge on this charger.



Selection of the currency that will be shown in the price list on the LCD of the payment master.


AC charging preauthorization funds

Amount that will be preauthorized when AC charging starts. If final amount for charging is smaller than this preauthorized amount, difference will be returned to the credit card of the user.


DC charging preauthorization funds

Amount that will be preauthorized when DC charging starts. If final amount for charging is smaller than this preauthorized amount, difference will be returned to the credit card of the user.



Specification of the Value added tax in percent.


Preauthorization timeout

Time in seconds after which the preauthorization will be cancelled. This is the limitation of time between the moment that the user swipes the credit card and the moment he/she starts the charging session.



2.2.2. Configure Pricing

Payment master INCH DUO (and payment satellite INCH DUO) charging station can show charging prices on the LCD screen.

To configure pricing, the option Payment\Pricing must be selected to show the following screen (if pricing is not enabled already).

Figure 9: Displaying price information on LCD

To not show the pricing to the user, the option Do not display pricing should be selected.

To present pricing information to the user, there are two options:

Direct customer to external pricing page.

Show prices on the charger’s display.

If the option Direct customer to external pricing page is selected, the following screen will be shown:

Figure 10: Direct customer to external pricing page

Information on how to access the pricing information can be inserted in field Instructions, which will be presented to the user (information can be multilingual).

It is possible to enter link to the pricing page which will be shown on the LCD of the charging station. It is also possible to enter instructions on how to visit the web page with prices or how to interpret the prices.

By clicking on button Add new language, instruction in other languages supported by the charging station can also be added.

The display of the charging station will show the desired information. Example is on the following figure with display showing pricing URL with QR code.

Figure 11: Pricing information on the charging station shown to the user

To show prices directly on the LCD of the charging station, the option Show prices on the charger’s display should be selected.

Figure 12: Show prices on the LCD display

If there are no added price items, they can be added with click on Add new price item button. As many price items as desired can be added. For example: Low tariff, High tariff, Weekend tariff …

Figure 13: Setting the display of prices on the LCD display

Figure 14: Pricing information on the charging station’s display

Field descriptions

Price with VAT

Price for the price item which contains VAT (Value added tax).


Price unit

Currency unit for the new price item.


Price item description

Description for new price item which will be presented to the user (information can be multilingual).


To show prices in other languages supported by the charging station, translations can be added with click on the Add new language button to open Add pricing translation window.

From Language dropdown menu with available languages, desired language can be selected and then the translation for the chosen price item can be entered.

With click on the Save button, the translation will be saved and used when user chooses that language on the LCD of the charging station.

Figure 15: Add pricing translation

2.2.3. Configuration of the Payment Terminal

After enabling and configuring credit card payment on payment master charging station, also the payment terminal needs to be configured.

The Payment terminal settings are available from the web-interface of the payment master charging station. The menu for settings is the Credit card payment section.

Option Terminal on this charger is enabled must be ticked as this is the payment master charging station which has the payment terminal installed.

Figure 16: Configuration of the payment terminal

Field descriptions

Network address

IP address of the payment terminal. Because terminal is connected to the upper Ethernet port of the INCH DUO charging station, it will get the following IP address:


Connect timeout

Time in seconds after which terminal will drop connection attempt.


Number of retries for failed transactions

Number of connection-retries if terminal cannot establish connection.


Time between failed retries

Time in seconds between two consecutive connection attempts.

Payment Satellite Charging Station

Payment satellite can be INCH DUO charging station without payment terminal or INCH Pro charging station.

After the user connects electric vehicle to the payment satellite charging station, he/she can then choose the Card payment and walk to the payment master charging station to pay with credit card and to start the charging process.

3.1. Configuring the Payment Satellite Charging Station

Payment satellite charging station does not have payment terminal installed. To pay with credit card for charging on this station, the payment terminal on the payment master charging station can be used.

To be able to pay for charging using credit card, the complete payment cluster must be properly configured for the credit card payment. This means that all charging stations (master and satellites) must be configured.

3.1.1. Enabling and Configuring Credit Card Payment for the Payment Satellite Charging Station

In the charging station web-interface, selections can be made on Configuration\Payment\Credit card menu.

Figure 17: Enabling the credit card payment

To enable the credit card payment and to show additional settings, the option Credit card payment is enabled should be selected. This will show some additional parameters that needs to be configured for credit card payment to work.

Figure 18: Configuring the credit card payment

Field descriptions

After configuring all options, user must click on Save button to save changes. After the configuration, the charging station must be rebooted for the new configuration to apply.


Invoices download endpoint

URL for invoice download. It will be shown on the payment master charging station’s LCD along with the QR code. User can scan QR code with his phone and open web page where he/she can download invoice for charging paid by credit card.


Payment master charging station code

Two digits that represent payment master. Must be two-digit number even if it’s smaller than 10. Those are two last digits from Charge point friendly code defined in central system (10 in this example):


Payment satellite charging station code

Two digits that represent payment satellite (this charging station). Those are two last digits from Charge point friendly code defined in the central system. Must be two-digit number even if it’s smaller than 10. This number is used to start the charging on payment master charging station by pressing on Pay here button and choosing Charge on this charger. More information can be found in the document: Ocean configuration for Payter terminal credit card payment, chapter 6.1. Payment satellite friendly code.

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Warning! Before installing, wiring, handling or accessing the charging station in any way, make sure to read, understand and follow the Safety Guidelines.
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Owing to periodic improvements of our products, the supplied products can differ in some details from the information stated in this documentation library. The information is subject to alteration without notice.
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