INCH Configuration Guide
Document version: 1.1
Document date: 22. 10. 2020
Table of Contents
- 1.1 Sign In
- 1.2 Change the Language
- 2 Charging Station configuration
- 2.1 User Rights
- 2.2 Change Charging Station Mode Settings
- 2.3 Web Interface Access
- 2.4 Change Supported Languages
- 2.5 Time and Regional Settings
- 2.6 Currency Settings
- 2.7 Behaviour Before and at the end of Charging
- 2.8 Change Screen Saver Parameters
- 2.8.1 Change Wake up Logo
- 2.9 Change Display Information During Charging
- 2.10 EVSE’s Configuration
- 3 User
- 4 Connect to the Communication network
- 5 Power management
- 6 Reporting
- 6.1 Sessions
- 6.2 Authorizations
- 6.3 Events
- 7 Diagnostics
Etrel Inch charging station is configured using the web interface which can be accessed through the charging station IP. Additional settings can be adjusted using OCPP messages using the backend system.
Configurations cannot be made using the touch screen LCD as it is only used to show information what is happening with the charging station and offers to user basic controls of the charging session.
Sign In
Web interface can be accessed by connecting to the charging station IP. For the connection, the username (email) and password are needed.
Depending on the charging station supplier’s decision, the username and password are written on the sticker inside the side maintenance doors.
The type of access rights this username will have, is also decided by the supplier. It is possible to have admin rights or rights of an ordinary operator, which cannot change the configuration of charging station.
Figure 1: Sing In screen of the web interface
At the first sign in, when the configuration of charging station was not performed yet, the configuration module will be shown.
Figure 2: Configuration menu
For any subsequent sign in, the main dashboard window will be displayed where it is possible to see current power, cluster power if the charging station is part of the cluster, building power load, if the Load Guard unit is also installed, charging station availability and information about the last session.
Figure 3: Main dashboard window
Last session status will be shown on the right side of the screen. If anything went wrong during the session, additional information can be acquired in the Diagnostics menu, accessed using the main menu (icon with three lines in the top left corner).
Change the Language
The language of the web interface can be changed to one of the languages supported by the web interface, by pressing the main menu icon and selecting the desired language.
Supported languages are set by admin user in the configuration menu.
Figure 4: Changing the language
Charging Station configuration
User Rights
Charging station configuration possibilities differ depending on the Role of the user. Three roles exist: View, Operate and Admin.
Users with Admin role are the only ones that have full range of configuration possibilities. Operator has similar right than Admin but lacks Charger configuration options. Viewer can only check Dashboard where he can check what is currently happening with the charging station and data about sessions.
Figure 5: Full range of configuration possibilities
Change Charging Station Mode Settings
These options can be accessed only by users with Admin rights. Charger mode settings can be configured by pressing the “Charger configuration” and then “Charger mode” in the “Configuration” menu. The option is to choose between Home charger used by single user, Private/Public charger used by multiple users and Custom mode.
This will affect whether the charging station will be displayed on the frontend app if the CPO/EMSP you are connected to uses frontend app. Depending on the choice, additional mode settings will be available in the User section. More information is available in the chapter User. Custom charger mode represents the specific mode defined by the charging station reseller.
Figure 6: Setting the charger mode
Web Interface Access
By pressing “Charger configuration” and then “Web interface access” in “Configuration” menu it is possible to give certain users roles which will give them different access to the charging station’s settings and options.
Figure 7: Accessing web interface access settings
Figure 8: Web interface settings
New users can be added by pressing the “Add new”. New window will open where the user information need to be inserted (e-mail, password, and role). The same window can be used to Block access for particular user.
Figure 9: Adding the user information
Users and their roles can be edited by pressing the edit icon (marked on the figure with red circle) or deleted by pressing the trash can icon next to the edit icon.
Figure 10: Edit the users and their roles
“Anonymous view access enabled” option allows unsigned users to see the dashboard and check charging session.
Change Supported Languages
Selection of languages that will be available on the charging station LCD screen can be changed with selection of “Charger configuration” and “Time and Regional settings” in “Configuration” menu.
Language that is put on the first spot is the default language used.
Figure 11: Selection of languages available in charging station
Custom translations of supported language are possible by pressing the “Upload custom translation” button.
Figure 12: Adding custom translations
Time and Regional Settings
Time settings of the charging station are set with selection of “Charger configuration” and then “Time and Regional settings”. The charging station time can be set. It can also be synchronized with the computer time by pressing the “Synchronize time” button. The time zone of the location where the charging station is located can also be selected.
Figure 13: Time settings
Currency Settings
In the “Time and Regional settings” in “Charger configuration” it is possible to choose the currency in which the energy prices will be displayed.
Figure 14: Currency settings
Behaviour Before and at the end of Charging
These options allow admin to enable certain functionalities before and at the end of charging. The following functionalities can be enabled:
Allow users to enter departure time.
Display charging prices if provided.
Enable commercials.
Time how long the commercial will be shown.
Departure time is especially important information when the power management is running on the charging station. When this is the case this option should be enabled. This will improve power management algorithm as it will give charging station additional information about charging preferences. Departure time allows charging station to determine the flexibility of charging and to schedule the charging session.
Charging prices can be displayed on the LCD screen when second option is enabled.
To show commercials on the charging station’s LCD screen third option “Enable advertisement” should be enabled. How long the commercial will be shown on the screen of the charger can also be set.
Figure 15: Setting behaviour before and at the end of charging
Change Screen Saver Parameters
How many seconds of inactivity are needed for charging station to go into screensaver mode can also be set by going into “Charger configuration” and then select “GUI settings” in “Configuration” menu.
Option for standby mode is to choose that screen either Blinks, or it is turned On or Off. Blinking screen is a good option for public charging station as the screen tells users from the distance that the charging station is on and in standby mode.
If the Steady On option is chosen, LCD screen will have higher possibility to malfunction as it will be turned on all the time. Charging station will also use more electricity. Steady Off option is best to use for private charging station or where blinking light will provide enough information about charging station status to users.
Figure 16: Screensaver settings
Change Wake up Logo
Wake up logo can be changed in the “Charger configuration” and then “GUI settings” in “Configuration” menu. By default, Etrel logo will be shown. By pressing the “Change wake up logo”, custom logo can be selected.
Figure 17: Selection of custom wake up logo
Figure 18: Uploading the image of custom wake up logo
Change Display Information During Charging
The display settings can be changed in “Configuration” menu by going into “Charger configuration” and then “GUI settings”. Various options what can be displayed are available. Multiple options can be selected, and the screen will switch every X seconds, based on the “Change screen settings” setting.
Figure 19: Display information during charging
“Super” option is a special option and displays all the information about range, charging mode and departure time on one screen.
EVSE’s Configuration
Charging station EVSE’s configuration can be changed by going to “Configuration” in the main menu and then to “Charger configuration” and then to “EVSE’s configuration”. Various parameters of each EVSE can be changed:
Friendly EVSE code.
Enable pause charging.
Number of phases.
Which phase of charging station is connected to the installation phase L1?
Max charging current per phase.
Enable plug locking.
Especially important option is which phase of charging station is connected to the installation phase L1. The least loaded phase should be chosen if only one charging station is connected to the grid. If charging station is part of the cluster, the phases in separate chargers that charge single phase EVs, should vary to not overload one phase while others are underloaded.
Figure 20: EVSE’s configuration
Limit Maximum Charging Current
The charging station charging power can be limited by limiting the max current value. With the limitation the possibility of overloading the grid can be prevented. This option is available under the “Charger configuration” in the “EVSE’s configuration” option under the “Configuration” menu.
User settings have different options depending on the charger mode chosen.
If the “Home charger used by single user” is chosen in the “Charger configuration”, there are two options:
My profile
My vehicle
If the Private/Public charger used by multiple users is chosen there are options to change the following settings:
Local users
Charging authorization
Home Charger Used by Single User Mode
“My profile” option is used to write the first and last name of the user that will be using this charging station. The electric vehicle that the user is using can be added in the “My vehicle” options.
Figure 21: Adding the user
Figure 22: Adding the electric vehicle information
Private/Public Charger Used by Multiple Users
The option to add multiple users is available only in the Private/Public charger used by multiple users. “Local users” option opens by pressing the “Add new” button and allows the creation of new users. First and last name of the users need to be inserted.
Figure 23: List of users and option to add new users
Each user can have one or multiple identification means. By pressing the RFID card icon option all the identification that are assigned to the user can be seen. Also, there is option to add new ones or edit and delete already assigned identification.
Figure 24: Setting user identification means
When adding new identification, already swiped RFID cards will be available, or the system will ask you to swipe the card and then it will add it to the system.
Figure 25: Adding new identification
If the option “Add it manually” is selected, it is possible to choose what type of identification will be added for this user. Selection between RFID, PIN, Vehicle ID (compliant with IEC 15118) and Remote identification (with mobile app) can be made.
Figure 26: Selecting the type of identification
Status (Active, blocked, expired, invalid and unknown)
Number – Number on the identification mean (RFID often has number written)
Code – identification unique code
Expiration date
The electric vehicle can be assigned to each user individually by pressing the EV icon. New window will open that gives the option to choose predefined EV or to define it yourself.
Figure 27: Information of electric vehicle
In the Charging authorization the selection of Authorization type can be made. This setting defines who is allowed to charge on the charging station:
Plug and Charge (all users).
Only charger white list users.
Only central system users.
Both central system users and white list users.
If the Authorization type is Plug and Charge, the Plug and charge tag id does not need to be set. This is the code that charging station sends to the backend when plug and charge mode is used.
Figure 28: Selection of charging authorization type
Choose Supported Identifications
Identifications that are supported by the charging station are first dependent on the type of charging station and on which authorization modules are installed inside the charging station.
Depending on the installed authorization modules, selection which authorization means will be available for the users of the particular charging station can be set in the web interface. This is set in the “User”, “Charging authorization” window.
The authorization type can be enabled, and after that the settings can be set. For example, in the case of App authorization, the app download link and Start code need to be inserted.
Figure 29: Selection of supported identification types
Set Central System Behaviour
In the “User”, “Charging authorization” option menu it is possible to set Central system behaviour. Different modes of behaviour are supported. Options are:
Allow charging when charger is offline and cannot authorize user at central system.
Enable authorization from cache when charger is in offline mode. Cache is built from previous authorization attempts.
Enable central system to upload white list of customers, to be used when charger is in offline mode.
After remote start, authorize before starting charging.
Start charging based on local authorization, even before remote authorization is checked.
Also, setting of the cable disconnect timeout is possible to specify the time after which charger will notify central system that cable is still connected after charging has stopped.
Options that can be set, can be seen on the following figure.
Figure 30: Settings of central system behaviour
Setting Advertisements on the LCD Screen
LCD screen advertisement can be set in the “Configuration”, “Advertising” option. It is possible to set on which days and at which hour particular picture/advertisement will be shown.
New advertisement can be added by pressing the “Add new advertisement” button. After the selection of right parameters, the advertisement can be uploaded to the charging station by pressing the “Upload” button. Advertisement is shown on the LCD of the charging station before the charging session start.
Figure 31: Advertising settings
To enable the advertisements on the charging station LCD screen, this option needs to be selected in the “Configuration”, “Charger configuration”, “GUI settings”. The advertisement duration in seconds can also be set.
Connect to the Communication network
Connectivity section of “Configuration” menu is especially important during the installation of charging station or if communication problems are occurring. Connectivity menu allows setting of parameters of connectivity that are available in your charging station. Depending on the charging station model, different connectivity options can be available.
The following connectivity options can be set:
Central system
Ethernet Connectivity
When setting up connection using the Ethernet, this needs to be specified in the Ethernet connectivity in the Connectivity section of the “Configuration” menu.
Figure 32: Settings of connectivity options
All the basic settings, e.g. host name, IP, net mask, gateway... can be manually set, or if it is supported by the network, automatic acquisition of settings can be enabled.
Figure 33: Ethernet connectivity settings
Wi-Fi Connectivity
Connection using the Wi-Fi module is set in the Connectivity section of “Configuration” menu and in Wi-Fi connectivity.
By pressing the Wi-Fi connectivity option, the web interface will try to find all the networks that are available for connection.
Figure 34: Scanning of Wi-Fi networks
Figure 35: Example of list with found networks
The searching process can take significant time at the beginning. Once all the available networks are presented, the chosen can be selected. The connection is possible with all the necessary information inserted (password, authentication type, Encryption type).
Figure 36: Wi-Fi network settings
After the connection to the Wi-Fi network, additional information about the network can be reviewed by clicking on it.
Figure 37: Additional information of the Wi-Fi network
Same process of identifying the available Wi-Fi networks and connecting to one, can be started by pressing the Wi-Fi icon in the top right corner.
Figure 38: Wi-Fi icon
GSM Connectivity
Setting up connection using the GSM module is set up in the GSM connectivity in the Connectivity section of “Configuration” menu. There it is possible to change multiple settings to properly set up GSM communication.
APN settings
PING server
PING interval
Service mode
Figure 39: GSM connectivity settings
The status of GSM connection can be checked with pressing the GSM icon in the top right corner of the main web interface window.
Figure 40: GSM icon
Figure 41: GSM connection status
By pressing the “Configuration” button, “GSM connectivity”, settings will open.
Central System Connectivity
To connect charging station to the central system, various settings in the “Central system connectivity” module need to be set. The communication with central system can be enabled by ticking the enable button.
In the settings the following can be defined:
Charge point identity
Protocol type
Central system endpoint URL
By pressing the “Test connection” button it is possible to check whether the connection with the central system is established.
Pressing the “Limit access from certain IP’s” will give the possibility to limit certain IP to access the web interface.
Figure 42: Central system connectivity settings
By pressing the Central system connection icon in the top right corner, the check of the status of connection is performed and list of basic information of the connection is presented (endpoint, protocol, status and last received command).
“Configuration” icon in the top right corner will open the main options of “Central system connectivity” settings.
Figure 43: Configuration icon
Figure 44: Status of central system connection
Power management
Power management settings allow operators to set various aspects of power management functionalities and cluster settings. Settings are available for Power management configuration, to turn the power management on or off and to define if charging station is Master or Slave device. Other settings are Building power limits, Power cluster configuration, Energy prices and Frequency control.
Figure 45: Power management settings
Power Limits at the Location
Building power limits settings allows sett