Upgrading INCH chargers from 1.13.9 to 5.x
Limitations with INCH
Currently we only support upgrading INCH chargers to 5.x with serial greater than 19420xxx.
You can also check if your station is eligible for new firmware with checking CC Hardware version.
To check version go to Menu → Diagnostics → CC hardware version or open the service doors on the charger and beside the SIM card holder you will se information on CC hardware version.
Not compatible versions:
Compatible versions:
Before upgrading
Make backups of data and settings. For data go to Menu → Diagnostics → Backup Data, for configuration click Backup Configuration. Data (Users, sessions,…) is lost after upgrade, and config can be restored from backup.
Make sure station is on version 1.13.9. You can check that under Diagnostics submenu, if not please upgrade it to version 1.13.9
How to upgrade INCH
Go to Diagnostics and click on Upgrade firmware
This will open new subwindow. Click on Choose File and select appropriate upgrade packet.
After selecting and clicking on Save button subwindow will close and you will be presented with this message
After some time charger will restart itself, and message will change to
After rebooting, you can then login into station and check if appropriate update was applied. Sometimes your web browser keeps old data, in this case delete cache and refresh the page.
Upgrading to 5.x
Upgrade to version 5.x requires multiple steps. Every step is done in same manner. See section https://etrelchargingsolutions.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/Home/pages/3003678750/Upgrade+INCH+to+5.x#How-to-upgrade-INCH. Before that make sure your station is on version 1.13.9. Check first section of this page how to upgrade it to 1.13.9
It is important that you are following this guide precisely. Don’t skip any step.
First step
Download Install_1.13.11_Etrel.zip and go to web interface of the station and apply this upgrade. Do not open .zip file
This step takes quite some time, atleast 15 minutes, on some stations a lot more. After a while, station should reboot by itself and you can check under Diagnostics menu if version 1.13.11 was installed. If not, delete your browser cache and refresh page to confirm that update was in fact installed.
Second step
Download Install_1.13.12_Etrel.zip and go to web interface of the station and apply this upgrade. Do not open .zip file
This step takes quite some time, atleast 45 minutes, on some stations a lot more. After a while, station should reboot by itself and you can check under Diagnostics menu if version 3.900.x or 5.0 was installed. If not, delete your browser cache and refresh page to confirm that update was in fact installed.
Third step
With every update from now on you must verify that you are using same OS Version, for every firmware update. Eg. App-5.0.2 can be installed only on OS 5.0.
To update station to latest version now, is straighforwad process that shouldn’t take long.
First download system-5.0.itb and upgrade station with this update. After reboot, verify under Diagnostics that your OS version says 5.0
Fourth step
Upgrade station to latest app version, download app-5.2.itb and apply the update in Diagnostics
After reboot, station should be on OS version 5.0.4, and Software version 5.2
Warning! Before installing, wiring, handling or accessing the charging station in any way, make sure to read, understand and follow the Safety Guidelines.
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