My INCH Clustering

My INCH Clustering


The INCH charging stations have an option of connecting to a cluster of chargers, where the available power is then distributed among the connected chargers. The distribution of power is managed by the chosen »Primary master charger«, or the »secondary master charger« in case the connection with the Primary master fails, if such option is enabled. 

 Before we start creating a cluster of chargers, we have to make sure all of the chargers are in the same network range. We can check the IP address of our chargers, in the »connectivity« tab, under »Ethernet connectivity« or »Wifi connectivity«, respectively. 

 To allow clustering of INCH chargers, we must first enable the “power management” option and select our »primary master charger«. To do this, we begin by opening the “navigation menu” in the top left corner. Next, we select the “Configuration” menu, and then, in the sub-menu, we choose the “Power management” tab and open the “General Configuration” tab to enable the option of connecting this charger to a power management master. 

 Once enabled, you are presented with options for »primary master address«, »enable secondary master« and an option to set max current output, if communication with the master charger fails. 

 On the Primary master charger MyINCH interface, we click on »Running on this charger«, and the »localhost« text will appear next to the »Primary master address«.  

 We go through the same process if we would enable a »secondary master charger«. On the chosen chargers MyINCH interface we click on »Running on this charger«, so the »localhost« text appears in the »secondary master address« field. In the Primary master address, we input the IP address or a serial number of the »primary master charger«. 

 On the slave units connected to this cluster, we input an IP address or a serial number of the Primary master charger, and, if enabled, we also input an IP address or a serial number of the Secondary master charger. 

 We suggest you also select the maximum current if the connection with the primary master fails. That way you can ensure, that the charger does not draw too much power if network issues appear. 

 Once we have defined our primary master charger and connected all of the slave units to the primary master address, we connect back to the primary master chargers my inch interface and move to the »Power cluster configuration tab«, where we enable cluster service. Once cluster service is enabled, we can fill the list with all the slave units and set the maximum cluster current in the configured cluster. Simply click on »Add new cluster charger« and input its serial number or IP address. Repeat the process until you have listed all the slave units from the cluster. Once this list is complete, the primary master charger will automatically upload the cluster chargers list and the maximum cluster currents to all of the units in the cluster. 

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Warning! Before installing, wiring, handling or accessing the charging station in any way, make sure to read, understand and follow the Safety Guidelines.
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