New firmware release and upgrade procedure
Firmware download:
You can download newest firmware here:
Connectors Controller
INCH (v6.10)
Resolved an issue with cable locking and unlocking.
INCH DUO (v0.62)
Resolved an issue with cable locking and unlocking.
Firmware 5.4.1 download:
You can download newest firmware here: 5.4.1
Release notes:
Application 5.4.1
Fix filtering authorizations by identification.
Show restart required notification on language change.
Show only single phase current limitation in the case that charger is
connected to single phaseSet fallback current to 0A in the case that is set below 6A for inch or 7A for
DUO.Do not show target current when EV pauses charging.
Disable DI2 for other external signal purposes when tampering enabled. When
tampering enabled, use cannot select on which DI it is connected.Add missing event types' translations.
Add validation that fallback current cannot be set lower than 6A for INCH and
lower than 7A for DUO also to the configuration forms: power management
connection, central system connectivity.Change description of tamper detection, where DI2 is used for detecting it.
Display meter values on diagnostic screen where values received from new API
meter values.Allow min fallback current 7 A on L2 and L3 if communication fails between
INCH DUO and Load Guard.Allow max fallback current for modbus connection on DUO 7A.
Show culture/language selection list also on Brain.
Display load scheduling icon when is active also on connector 2 in the case of
DUO.Hide the possibility to configure the auxiliary central system.
Show "New firmware version available" notification only once.
Add button "Restart now" into notification when changing configuration value.
Add an option to synchronize the local users and identifications with another
charger.Add a dialog whether you would really like to restart charger.
Sort code lists used at reporting (filtering of authorizations, sessions and
Connectors Controller
INCH (v4.8)
Fix CP error detection.
Fix AC/DC leakage detection and prevent contactor tuning on in those cases.
Fix false-positive AC/DC leakage detected with no leakage device.
INCH DUO (v0.49)
Fix bender test when the bender cable is unplugged.
Fix false-positive unlocking error.
Fix PP-out-of-range errors.
Fix CP and diode error detection.
Fix false-positive AC/DC leakage detected with no leakage device.
Fix stopping charging in certain cases.
Mandatory change operator password on the first login.
Support manually triggering DC leakage test
Redirect non-OCPP requests from HTTP to HTTPS when OCPP is running on HTTP and the web interface on HTTPS.
Connectors Controller
INCH (v4.6)
Disable DC leakage test during charging.
Do not disconnect/connect CP relay while resuming charging
Wait for system boot to resume charging after a power loss to prevent overcurrent during that time.
Do not generate PWM signal when in preparing state.
Fix DC leakage error handling.
Add operator's password complexity check.
Add temporary lock-out for operator when too many login attempts fail.
web API to read meter values.Add
web API for purging database.Add new firmware notification.
Add option to purge database on diagnostics page.
Show GSM network technology.
Revamp access permissions for web API.
Disable "Obtain DNS servers automatically" when not using DHCP since this is not supported by the OS.
Support tamper detection DI/DO.
Rename EVUser role to Viewer.
Disable charging profile editing for Viewer.
Remove the option to assess web interface without login.
Hide measurements when charging is not running on a cluster connector.
Hide pricing menu on INCH.
Update translations.
Fix filtering sessions by ID tag.
Fixes for charging profile editor.
Connectors Controller
INCH (v4.2)
DC leakage is a not fatal error, which requires reboot, any more.
INCH DUO (v0.38)
Fix detection of proximity pilot out of range.
Image displaying terminals for external I/O's for INCH DUO was wrong. Input and output pins are on different position.
Connectors Controller
INCH (v4.1)
Change feedback detection logic
List of EVs updated.
Added extra explanation in front of inputs configuring credit card payment functionality.
Added OCPP keys next to authorization configuration checkboxes.
Disabled that more than 4 identification types can be selected for charging authorization.
Added charging cluster statistics: available connectors, connectors in use and offline connectors.
Fetch monthly consumptions form energy table rather than session table.
Updated translations
New features:
Enable managing static IP on Wi-Fi interface.
Bug fixes:
Filtering sessions and authorizations per users fixed.
Connectors Controller
INCH (2.45)
Add support for ATmega1284P.
Remove a workaround writing version 0.94 if an invalid version is read from EEPROM.
Fix events being missed if they occurred while SOM was already reading some older events.
Only unlock if contactor is off.
Do not go into fault on "diode malfunction" error.
Fix bender test, run it on boot, every 4 min and on "car connected" event.
Fix cable locking on 0.94 boards.
Fix cable locking in first PlugAndCharge session.
Keep checking feedback even when not charging.
INCH DUO (0.36)
Fix events being missed if they occurred while SOM was already reading some older events.
Fix bender test, run it on "car connected" event.
Keep checking feedback even when not charging.
Check if the cable is connected before checking if the car is ready.
Delay reading phase feedback.
On the Diagnostics page, operator is now able to run network diagnostic. This allows to debug network connectivity with external systems like Central system or Smart building. Network diagnostics tries to resolve DNS address, runs trace and executed ping. Results of all three actions are displayed to operator.
Web interface now shows timeout if Wi-Fi connection cannot be established with access point in 80 seconds.
In the central system configuration, operator can now see if authorization key was inserted or not. Operator is now able to insert authorization key if was previously inserted.
Wake-up logo is now displayed in GUI configuration. Therefore operator can see what is the current logo.
Show total operating time for the charger.
Mask OCPP/J authorisation key.
Correct status icon now displayed in unavailable status.
Improve translations.
Add serial number to all archives downloaded from Web UI (logs and backups).
Fix errors not being reported on PIN/PUK entry.
Hide WiFi networks with empty SSIDs.
Update car list.
Connectors Controller
INCH (v2.29)
Fix problem with reading connector lock/unlock status.
Increase timeout on reading connector lock/unlock status.
Decrease delay between contactor state change and feedback measurement.
Correct valid PP value ranges.
Change how 16-bit timers are handled.
Disable checking feedbacks when not charging - connecting cable into the car triggers RCD (not observed on all cars).
Enable watchdog, increase watchdog period.
Remove printfs from bender-related routines.
Move array of strings from global scope into function scope.
INCH DUO (v0.23)
Fix problem with reading connector lock/unlock status.
Fix error in feedback detection logic.