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Required devices for DLM to function

Standalone charging station

For DLM to function in a standalone INCH Core charging station, an external metering device must be used:

  • INCH Core Load Guard (supports wireless connection), or

  • an external electricity meter* supporting Modbus RTU communication via RS-485 wired connection, or

  • combination of both.


  • the INCH Core Load Guard and an external electricity meter* supporting

    • Modbus RTU communication via RS-485 interface,

    • P1 communication via the P1 port, or

    • TIC communication via the TIC port.

  * Refer to the list of electricity meters supported by the INCH Core charging station.

Image Modified

The INCH Core Load Guard supported by INCH Core charging station is not available yet and will be available soon.




For DLM to function in a cluster of charging stations, an external system/device (e.g., Brain), where DLM logic is running, must be used.



The INCH Core charging station currently does not support clustering, but it will in the future.




DLM configuration can be set via the INCH Core app or a central system (e.g., EMSP).


2. Select the type of your external metering device and set its parameters correctly.


The flowchart below shows the various ways devices (charging station, Load Guard, external meter) can be connected and the corresponding settings.



1 – Enable DLM.

2 – Select a metering device physically connected to the charging station.

3 – Choose the measurement source from which
you want to receive measurements.

4 – Select your meter type from the list, which includes only meters supported by the INCH Core charging station.

5 – Choose the type of physical interface used to connect the meter to the INCH Core Load Guard.

If an external meter is a part of the DLM connection configuration, additional settings must be set (more information are given in the chapters below).

INCH Core Load Guard

To configure Load Guard for DLM to function with the charging station, refer to the INCH Core Load Guard guidelines.

External electricity meter direct connected to charging station

When choosing an external meter as the external metering device of the charging station for DLM to function, the meter must be:

  • connected to the charging station via the RS-485 interface connection as required in the connection diagram /wiki/spaces/EKC/pages/3702784128 and the meter documentation,

  • configured in such a way that the charging station can be able to communicate with it.


To ensure successful one-way communication from the station to the meter, the station's configuration must match the following parameters of the meter:

  • Address

  • Baud rate

  • Data bits

  • Parity

  • Databits

  • Pairity

  • Stop bit



When you select your meter type from the dropdown list in the INCH Core app, the listed parameters can already be pre-configured. However, the actual values of these parameters may differ from the default values. It's important to verify and set the correct actual values accordingly.

Indirect connection of external electricity meter to charging station via INCH Core Load Guard

When selecting the INCH Core Load Guard as the external metering device for the charging station to enable DLM functionality, you can choose to use an external meter as the measurement source instead of using current transformers (the primary measurements source of the Load Guard). In this case, the meter must not be directly connected to the charging station but instead connected through the Load Guard; the meter needs to be connected to the Load Guard. The meter, as the measurement source, sends the measurement data to the Load Guard, which then forwards it to the charging station.

The meter connected to the charging station via Load Guard:

  • must be selected from the list of supported meters

  • must support one of the following physical interfaces to connect to the Load Guard:

    • RS-485

    • P1

    • TIC

  • must be connected to the Load Guard as required in the INCH Core Load Guard guidelines and the meter documentation,

  • configured in such a way that the Load Guard can be able to communicate with it.


To ensure successful one-way communication from the Load Guard to the meter, the configuration of the Load Guard must match the following parameters of the meter:

  • Address

  • Baud rate

  • Databits

  • Pairity

  • Stop bit



When you select your meter type from the dropdown list in the INCH Core app, the listed parameters can already be pre-configured. However, the actual values of these parameters may differ from the default values. It's important to verify and set the correct actual values accordingly.